Checking Your College Email Using Outlook Web Access (OWA)
- Open a web-browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) on your computer or phone.
- Go to
- When prompted to sign-in, type in your college email address (i.e. for employees or for students). Click the NEXT button. If you have signed in before, you may see a list of email accounts to choose from. Click on your college email address.
- When prompted to enter a password, type the password associated with your email account. Click the SIGN IN button.
- The system may ask you if you want to “Stay signed in?” For security reasons, we recommend choosing the NO option.
- You should now see your email.
- To read an email message, click on the email message.
- To exit Outlook Web Access, click on the circular button at the top right of your screen. It should have your initials in it (last initial, followed by first initial).
- Click, “Sign out” to exit.
- For security reasons, close your browser.