All new prospective students must apply online by clicking the link above or by clicking HERE.  Allow 2 - 3 weeks for processing.  You are encouraged to apply 6-8 weeks prior to the semester and no later than the application deadline listed in the college calendar to improve your registration opportunities in desired classes and increase your financial aid opportunities.  If you are a returning student, who has not been enrolled at Chipola College for one calendar year or more, you will need to re-apply for admission.

If you plan to enter one of the limited access programs (ADN Nursing, EMT, Paramedic, Corrections, Firefighting, or Law Enforcement) or a bachelor program you must submit the Supplemental Application for that specific program by the program application deadline. Admission to the college neither constitutes nor guarantees admission to specific programs.


All applicants must complete and submit a Residency Declaration.   The Residency Declaration is available online at or in the Admissions and Records Office.  Please note two documents are required to establish residency.  Failure to submit could delay admission into the college and financial aid.  Your residency status will be Non-Resident for Tuition Purposes and you will be charged out-of-state tuition until the Residency Declaration is received and verified by Admissions and Records.  Allow 2–3 weeks for processing.


Request official transcripts be sent directly from ALL schools and colleges attended.  Official transcripts may be mailed to Chipola College, Admissions and Records, 3094 Indian Circle, Marianna, FL 32446 or sent electronically from the following secure sites: F.A.S.T.E.R./Speedy-Institution Code 001472; National Clearinghouse; Parchment; eScript-Safe; and Scrip-safe to  Final acceptance to the college and/or a specific program is contingent on receipt of ALL transcripts. 

Public high school graduates must request an official transcript be sent after completion of all grades and/or graduation.

Students who took the GED, may present their original test scores/transcript (diplomas are not accepted).  If original scores are not available, a Florida GED transcript can be requested by visiting or calling 1-877-352-4331. If the GED is from out-of-state, contact that state’s Department of Education.  

Home school students must complete a Home School Affidavit.

Private school transcripts will be validated on an individual basis.

First time in college students are required to provide official transcripts showing completion high school graduation requirements.  

Returning students who have attended another college(s) since last enrolled at Chipola must provide official final transcripts.

Transfer students must provide an official high school or GED transcript and official college transcripts from all colleges previously attended regardless of age or accreditation.  

Transient students must submit a Transient Student Form for each term they plan to enroll. Unofficial transcripts may be required to demonstrate student has met the pre- and co-requisites.  

Non-degree students must provide all transcripts.

Workforce Development Students - Admission, transcript, testing requirements, and registration dates depend upon the program of study.  Several programs do not require a high school diploma.


College Credit Programs   First time in college degree seeking students may be required to provide official scores from an approved placement test prior to registering for classes. Florida approved tests: American College Testing (ACT), Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (PERT), or Classic Learning Test (CLT).  Test scores can be no more than 2 years old on the first day of classes.  Students who requested test scores be sent to Chipola should verify that scores are on file at the college by calling the Testing Center at (850) 718-2284.  Transfer, transient, and non-degree seeking students who have completed the required English and math courses may not be required to take the placement test; however, course selection may be limited without verification of test scores and/or transcripts.

Workforce Development Programs   Students entering a workforce development program may be required to come for an interview and/or testing and should contact the program instructor.

Official scores can be requested from the following sites:   AP, CLEP, SAT, TOEFL    College Board i.d. for Chipola College is 5106         ACT                                   ACT i.d. for Chipola College is 0722.

Testing is by appointment only, Monday – Thursday and must be scheduled online at RegisterBlast  Seating is limited and test appointments must be made at least 24 hours prior to the desired testing date.  For more information visit the Testing Center located in Student Services, Building A or Testing Center.  Testing under "special conditions" will be handled individually through the Office of Student Disabilities.


The primary purpose of the student financial aid programs at Chipola College is to provide financial assistance to academically qualified students and parents to further their education. Students applying for financial aid should complete the appropriate application and forms as soon as the decision is made to attend college. Submitting applications at least 6-8 weeks prior to the semester will increase your financial aid opportunities. Corrections and timeliness directly affect the amount and types of financial assistance you receive. 

A variety of financial aid programs are available:

  • Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) – Chipola College FAFSA Title IV Code is 001472.

Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid online at  Financial Aid files must be submitted by the deadline published in the college calendar. Students who do not have a completed error free financial aid file by registration, must be prepared to pay for tuition, fees, and books out-of-pocket.

  • State Scholarship – See available scholarships at  Examples include: Florida Bright Futures Scholarships, First Generation Matching Grant (FGMG), Children of Deceased or Disabled Veterans Scholarship
  • Federal Work-Study – Financial aid through employment on campus. Complete FAFSA to determine eligibility.
  • Check with the Chipola Foundation Office at for various scholarship opportunities.

Veterans Benefits is an excellent way for veterans to use their educational entitlements in pursuing an approved course of study at an institute of higher learning. All programs of study must be approved by the State Approving Agency in order to be certified by DVA for payment of benefits. All degrees and most certificate programs at Chipola College are currently approved by the State Approving Agency. The chapter under which you are filing will determine the documentation required by the DVA to certify your benefits. Once acceptance to the College is granted, contact the Veteran Advisor on campus to apply for benefits.


Acceptance to the college and/or a specific program is contingent upon receipt of ALL required documents and transcripts.  Once you are accepted for admission you will receive an email with your student account information.  Sign into your student account immediately.   This will be the primary method for official college correspondence. Check your Chipola email on a regular basis for your admission letter, registration appointment, deadlines, news and events.


Prior to advising and registration review the current class schedule, available at for course options.  Whenever possible, students should use one of the pre-planned Academic Plans available with advisers in Student Affairs and on the college website Academic Plans It is in the student’s best interest to choose a major and transfer school as soon as possible and to work closely with an academic advisor in selecting courses. This will facilitate academic advising and should prevent you from taking courses unrelated to your major.  The College advising staff will assist by providing up-to-date information about appropriate courses which should satisfy requirements for the student’s major at Chipola and at the chosen transfer institution. The Florida Virtual Campus at  is available to all students to access program requirements for all majors within the state public university system.


Students with documented disabilities may self-identify and request accommodations by contacting campus Disability Support Services at (850) 718-2451.

Notification of Social Security Number Collection

In compliance with F.S. 119.071(5), the college collects your Social Security Number for use in the performance of the College’s duties and responsibilities. Federal legislation relating to the Hope Tax Credit requires that all postsecondary institutions report the Social Security Number of all postsecondary students to the Internal Revenue Service. This IRS requirement makes it necessary for colleges to collect the Social Security Number of every student. A student may refuse to disclose his/her Social Security Number to the College, but refusing to comply with federal requirement may result in fines by the IRS.

An Equal Access/Equal Opportunity Institution

Chipola College does not discriminate against any persons, employees, students, applicants or others affiliated with the college with regard to race, color, religion, ethnicity, national origin, age, veteran’s status, disability, gender, genetic information, marital status, pregnancy or any other protected class under applicable federal and state laws, in any college program, activity or employment. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. ss1681) is an all-encompassing federal law that prohibits discrimination based on the sex of students, employees, and third parties when appropriate, of educational institutions, which receive federal financial assistance. Sexual harassment of students, which includes acts of sexual violence, is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX.  Chipola College complies with all aspects of this and other federal and state laws regarding non-discrimination.  Questions about compliance with Title IX or a complaint regarding harassment or discrimination, including sexual harassment and sexual violence, should contact Wendy Pippen, Associate Vice President of Human Resources, 3094 Indian Circle, Marianna, FL  32446, Building A, Room 183A, 850-718-2269, .

Congratulations! You completed all the steps and are a Chipola College student!